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Comfort Chats

Comfort Chats Explained

Comfort Chats was born out of collaboration through consulting with individuals who expressed that they wanted a more comfy, relaxed and casual setting than traditional therapy offers. With a request that more activities be done during the session too. Our Comfort Chats provide a supportive and safe space to talk about whatever is on your mind. A place where no judgement exists and someone who truly cares about your wellbeing. Reanna's compassionate and empathetic approach will allow you to feel heard and understood. 

A Comfort Chat lasts 50 minutes

Available on Zoom per request

What Should I Expect During a Comfort Chat?

Reanna will kindly guide you through a talking session and listen compassionately. Together you will work through any challenges, emotions and thoughts you are facing. Reanna will encourage you to look for new perspectives, understand your emotions on a deeper level and recognize any existing patterns you may wish to shift. Each session is flexible and tailored uniquely to the individual. This may include mindfulness, CBT activities, art, outside activities, movement, chanting, music and more. Reanna will work jointly with you to decide on what approach you are comfortable with. Reanna will provide you with proven tips and techniques to help you feel less stressed, more confident and positive abut the present and future. 

A Comfort Chat is Right for you if you Are:

  • Feeling overwhelmed with day to day life 

  • Experiencing stress 

  • Living with depression or anxiety 

  • Wanting to improve your mental health

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself and others

  • Struggling with relationships or jobs 

  • Feeling as if something in your life is missing

  • Looking to add positive habits into your life

Are Comfort Chats Suitable for Teens?

Yes, absolutely. Comfort Chats are perfect for teens.


Activities during the session are adapted to teens and their interests. Reanna has in-depth experience working with children and young people. A reason Reanna left the social care and mental health charity sector was because she felt restricted with the level of help and care she was able to give. Comfort Chats allows Reanna to be fully present and adaptable to the needs of a teen. Reanna is a great role model for a teen to have.

Parental consent is needed for under 16s.

Safeguarding procedure in place.

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