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About Lewi

Lewi has a lot of experience in health and social care, working with children, young people, adults and families in therapeutic and trauma-informed ways. Lewi understands where people are at and considers it his privilege to support and learn from a fellow person.

Being immersed in helping roles, Lewi developed an understanding of how he, like everybody else, has his own traumas and difficulties to work through. Lewi has found greater peace in life as a result of facing wounds of emotional neglect, self-neglect and anxiety.

Lewi believes in each and every one of us following our unique dreams and passions. He trusts that work, family and relationships can align with our deep senses of purpose, fulfillment and joy. Lewi holds a strong, supportive space that nurtures courage and bravery, so that what once held us back no longer has any say in the matter. Lewi is committed to being able to hold on to deep peace that no storm in life can take away.

Lewi is a skilled musician and singer. Themes of peace, truth and courage will be imparted in each healing song you receive from him.


How Lewi Works

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Lewi will support the journey from your head into your heart and body, nurturing your spirit. You will have the opportunity to share your thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs, from childhood up to recent events. Offering deep listening and empathy, Lewi will work with your beliefs and encourage your faith from strength to strength. Lewi holds a strong and safe space in which courage can be claimed to move with clarity and purpose through fears, doubts and limiting beliefs. Lewi will celebrate and champion your successes in whatever areas of life are most important to you. Lewi has a restorative and completely non-judgmental approach to people and knows that anybody can change for the good of themselves and others when they say, for themselves, that the time is now.

Lewi's Experience

Lewi volunteered with a children's hospice and foodbank before starting his social care career in his early adult years. Lewi has since worked therapeutically with many children, young people, adults and families in children's homes and out in the community, studying and supporting all manner of needs arising from childhood trauma, abuse and neglect, substance mis-use, domestic violence and poverty. Lewi observed that himself and many other professionals in the health, education and social care sectors seemed also to have experienced the very same issues they were working to support others with. Since then, Lewi has further strengthened his commitment to self-care, while continuing to study and train in counselling, therapeutic interventions and shamanism. All certificates are provided upon request. Lewi is passionate about working with people from all walks of life, sharing our experiences, learning together and growing together.

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